Why Sparkle Designs Are Popular Within Bathrooms

by Thiago Agostinho

With so many options available to you when investigating the possibility of transforming and upgrading your bathroom, it is no-wonder that you need a little guidance on the matter prior to making a firm decision. To those of you that weren’t aware, we are Bath Clad - having set out to become leading bathroom cladding suppliers, we are perfectly-poised to give you some insight on this matter. The specialists that we have think that you could do a lot worse than opt for a sparkle-based design, and are pleased to shed some light on their reasoning.

Maximises Light

Although the vast-majority of bathrooms are blessed with an exterior wall, this is not always the case. The reason that we feel it necessary to point this out is because it means that you might not have the opportunity to have sunlight shining in through a window. Any well-respected interior designer will tell you that when a bathroom is dark, the knock-on effect is that it is made to look smaller, which is obviously something that you wish to avoid. Arguably the best thing about sparkling shower panels and wall cladding is that it can reflect light incredibly effectively.

Makes Cleaning Easy

Were you to stick with the old-fashioned tiles that currently adorn the walls of your wet room, it would not take long for you to realise that this can confound the cleaning requirements a little. This is because they do not show marks and fingerprints particularly well; if left, these could potentially leave stains, which is not an ideal situation to find yourself in. In comparison, it will not take you long to spot marks on sparkling shower wall panels, which will make your life a lot smoother.

Aesthetically Pleasing

We would be remiss if we were to put-together a list of reasons that you should entertain the idea of purchasing cladding bathroom panels, without pausing to shed some light on the fact that these units are traditionally visually-stunning. Despite the simplicity of the sparkle design, the impact that it can have on your bathroom is nothing short of incredible. There is an elegance about these panels that make them the perfect alternative to tiles, and you would do well to remember this.

What Should You Choose?

Once you have determined that the easy-to-install sparkle cladding panels are the right choice of investment, you have a rather big decision to make - namely, this relates to which of the wide-range of designs you would like to have within your home. Should you, for instance, be someone that loves bright colours, and want to make a statement, it could be that the bold Purple Sparkle option is right for you. If you are trying to keep things slightly-more subtle within your shower area, it could be worthwhile taking a closer look at Black Marble.

Bath Clad - Here For You

With so many retailers in the UK that profess to offer top-of-the-range bathroom wall panels, you may be a little unsure as to which direction you should turn in. That being said, if you were to solicit the services of Bath Clad, you can be rest-assured that you will be on the receiving end of premium products. 

From the moment that we opened our doors for business, we have remained committed to supplying top-tier units at competitive-yet-affordable prices, something that we believe allows us to stand apart from our competitors. To explore our range of colours in greater detail, or chat to a member of our team about what they think is the right design for you, please don’t hesitate to call us on 01274 728031.