What Makes Interior Cladding Such A Good-Option For Bathroom Walls?
From the moment that it came onto the scene, it has been clear that bathroom cladding is going to be a solution that is used for years to come. When you begin to analyse these products in closer detail, you see that there are countless benefits that can be enjoyed, both in the short and long term. If you continue your reading down below, you will find the Bath Clad experts’ thoughts on why PVC internal cladding could prove to be the ideal option when you are decorating your bathroom walls.
No Grout
Although you may think that, in the grand scheme of things, it is not overly-important that there is no grout used when you fit bathroom wall panels, we believe that this should be regarded as one of the main selling-points. Not only is the use of grout incredibly stressful during the initial installation phase, but it can also cause problems further down the line from a maintenance perspective. If you want to avoid having to clean your bathroom for hours on-end week-after-week, the obvious solution is to switch to interior cladding as soon as possible.
Combats Water Vapour
As we are sure you will already be well-aware, one of the biggest issues that is faced within modern bathrooms is in relation to the amount of moisture that is constantly in the air. If left to its own devices, the water vapour can proceed to wreak havoc with the structural integrity of your walls. Thankfully, the manufacturers of high-end interior cladding have sought to address this through the use of PVC. This synthetic plastic is incredibly effective at keeping the moisture at bay, which should not be taken for granted.
Quick & Easy Installation
If you are someone that likes to tackle challenges head-on, you might be thinking about completing your bathroom renovation under your own steam. Whilst this is all well-and-good, it can mean that you need to be smart about the decorative choices that you make, so that you can try and minimise the hassle that you put yourself through. In case you didn’t know, PVC cladding panels utse an innovative installation method that takes advantage of adhesive - the amount of time that this can save you will not go unnoticed.
Wide-Array Of Designs
For those of you that are concerned that there is not much stylistic flair within the ranges of interior cladding that are available, we suggest that you take the time to find a top-of-the-range retailer. These firms will have made it their mission to amass a large collection of products, all of which are first-class from a visual standpoint. Some panels, for instance, are made to replicate the imagery of traditional tiles, whilst others are flecked with sparkles that can add some much-needed light into a bathroom. As you can see, there is no-shortage of options within this department.
How Can We Be Of Assistance?
Have you been on the lookout for interior cladding panels that are both affordable in terms of price, as well as fantastic in relation to quality? Would you like to enlist the help of a retailer that, above all-else, has your best interests at heart? If either of the aforementioned questions evoked a positive response from you, the likelihood is that you would be well-suited to the services offered by Bath Clad. Regardless of the particular unit to decide to invest in, we guarantee that it will not disappoint you. For more information, you can discuss your particular circumstances with one of our team by emailing us directly at hello@bathclad.com.